# Getting started

# Continuous integration

Plek runs from a continuous integration (CI) service as a command line tool (CLI). Plek uses the environment variables and files available in the CI to deploy and integrate.

# Installation

# 1. GitHub

To integrate Plek with GitHub, install the Plek GitHub app on your GitHub account or organization, make sure to give it access to the repository you deploy from.

# 2. CLI

npx plek will run the Plek CLI as it is an npm package. When your project uses Node.js the recommended way to include Plek is by installing it as a development dependency with npm install -D plek. This way the version is pinned and the module can be cached by the CI service. Alternatively, use the latest version and skip installation by only using npx plek.


To run the CLI, make sure your Node.js version is 8 or higher.

# 3. CI service

Where and when to run Plek is up to you, but most of the time it will be from a CI script. Below you can find two minimal examples showing how to run Plek for each commit using the ZEIT Now service. The command using npx plek is where the magic happens, the rest is just boilerplate.

# Travis CI


language: node_js

  - 8

cache: npm

    - master

  - npx plek now yourdomain.cc --app 'project-name' -- --public

# Circle CI


version: 2
    working_directory: ~/project-name

      - image: circleci/node:8

      - checkout
      - restore_cache:
            - v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }}

      - run: npm install

      - run: npx plek now yourdomain.cc --app 'project-name' -- --public

      - save_cache:
            - node_modules
          key: v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }}

Because these examples use the ZEIT Now service, a ZEIT token is expected to be in the NOW_TOKEN environment variable of the CI. To set an environment variable see the Travis CI or Circle CI documentation.


No domain? No problem, use a .now.sh domain for free using ZEIT Now, for example: plek now hi-there.now.sh.

🚀 Done! Your project will now be automatically deployed on every new commit.